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  • Config Servers

    在 3.2 版更改: Starting in MongoDB 3.2, config servers for sharded clusters can be deployed as a replica set. The replica set config servers must run the WiredTiger storage engine. MongoDB 3.2 deprecates the use of three mirrored mongod instances for config servers.

    A single sharded cluster must have exclusive use of its config servers. If you have multiple sharded clusters, each cluster must have its own replica set config servers.

  • Two or More Replica Sets As Shards

    两个或多个 复制集 组成分片,参见 复制 获得关于复制集的更多信息.

  • One or More Query Routers (mongos)

    一个或更多的 mongos, mongos 是集群的入口路由,通常,在每个应用服务器上部署一个 mongos.

    你也可以部署一组 mongos ,并在应用服务器与 mongos 之间使用负载均衡器或者代理,在这种部署环境下,你 必须 配置你的负载均衡器或代理为 端相关的 ,使来自同一个应用服务器的连接分配到同一个 mongos 上.

    因为游标和其他一些资源属于特定的 mongos,每个端必须使用唯一的一个 mongos.

Diagram of a sample sharded cluster for production purposes.  Contains exactly 3 config servers, 2 or more ``mongos`` query routers, and at least 2 shards. The shards are replica sets.