

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a client. When access control, i.e. authorization, is enabled, MongoDB requires all clients to authenticate themselves in order to determine their access.

Although authentication and authorization are closely connected, authentication is distinct from authorization. Authentication verifies the identity of a user; authorization determines the verified user’s access to resources and operations.

Authentication Methods

参见:doc:/tutorial/generate-key-file 如何生成密钥文件并且开启使用密钥文件认证成员。例如使用密钥文件进行分片集认证。参见 /tutorial/enable-authentication-in-sharded-cluster

For the mongo shell and the MongoDB tools, you can also authenticate a user by passing in the user authentication information from the command line.

在分片集中,应用程序可以直接使用:term:config servers <config server>`服务器``admin``数据库中的用户身份凭证向 :program:`mongos 实例认证。分片集中的分片也存有用户身份凭证,客户端在维护服务器时可以直接向分片认证。一般来讲,应用程序或者客户端应该通过:program:`mongos`连接到分片集。

在之前版本里,用户向一个集中的数据库认证的身份凭证是存在该数据库的 primary shard 里。

MongoDB supports multiple authentication mechanisms:

In addition to supporting the aforementioned mechanisms, MongoDB Enterprise also supports the following mechanisms:

Internal Authentication

In addition to verifying the identity of a client, MongoDB can require members of replica sets and sharded clusters to authenticate their membership to their respective replica set or sharded cluster. See Internal Authentication for more information.

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