  • 复制 >
  • 复制集的高可用


如果不人工进行介入,复制集将会删除 “回滚”的数据。管理员必须手动应用或丢弃这些数据。

在 3.2 版更改: MongoDB introduces a version 1 of the replication protocol (protocolVersion: 1) to reduce replica set failover time and accelerates the detection of multiple simultaneous primaries. New replica sets will, by default, use protocolVersion: 1. Previous versions of MongoDB use version 0 of the protocol.

Replica set members keep the same data set but are otherwise independent. If the primary becomes unavailable, an eligible secondary holds an election to elect itself as a new primary. In some situations, the failover process may undertake a rollback. [1]

[1]Replica sets remove “rollback” data when needed without intervention. Administrators must apply or discard rollback data manually.