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- MongoDB 3.4 发布笔记 >
- 升级复制集到 3.4
升级复制集到 3.4¶
- 3.4 与IBM Power 系统上 Ubuntu 16.04 的不兼容性
由于 lock elision bug in glibc ,如果你在IBM Power系统上运行 Ubuntu 16.04, 请不要在生产中使用MongoDB 3.4,直到修改后的 glibc 版本发布并且您已经安装了该版本。
如果你需要升级到 3.4 的指导, MongoDB offers major version upgrade services 可以在没有任何中断MongoDB应用的情况下,帮助您保证一个平稳的过渡。
如果想将现有的MongoDB部署升级到 3.4 ,您必须运行在 3.2-series 版本上。
为了从早于 3.2-series 的版本中进行升级,您必须依次升级主要版本直到您升级到 3.2-series 。 例如,如果你正在运行一个 3.2-series ,在升级到 3.4-series 之前 ,您必须首先升级到 3.2 。
在开始您的升级之前,查阅 MongoDB 3.4 中的兼容性变化 文档以保证您的应用和部署于 MongoDB 3.4 兼容。在开始升级之前,解决部署中的不兼容性。
一旦升级到 3.4,您不能降级到 3.2.7 或者是之前的版本。您只可以降级到 3.2.8 或之后的版本。
为了将复制集升级到 3.4 ,所有复制集成员必须运行在 3.2 版本上。为了将复制集从之前的MongoDB版本中升级, 首先 upgrade all members of the replica set to the latest 3.2-series release , 然后按照下面的步骤将MongoDB 从 3.2 升级到 3.4 。
下载 3.4 二进制¶
如果您从 MongoDB apt , yum , dnf , 或者 zypper 资源库安装的MongoDB,您应该使用包管理工具升级到 3.4 。
在您的Linux系统中遵循正确的 installation instructions 。包括了:增加新版本的资料库,然后执行真正的升级流程。
如果您不是使用包管理工具安装MongoDB,您可以从 MongoDB Download Center <https://www.mongodb.com/download-center?jmp=docs>`_ 手动下载MongoDB二进制文件。
查阅 安装MongoDB 了解更多信息。
您可以使用 “滚动” 的方式将 MongoDB 从 3.2 升级到 3.4 ,以通过单独升级成员而其它成员可用的方式来最小化宕机时间。
Upgrade secondary members of the replica set.¶
Upgrade the secondary members of the replica set one at a time:
- Shut down the mongod instance and replace the 3.2 binary with the 3.4 binary.
- Restart the member and wait for the member to recover to SECONDARY state before upgrading the next secondary member. To check the member’s state, issue rs.status() in the mongo shell.
Step down the replica set primary.¶
Connect a mongo shell to the primary and use rs.stepDown() to step down the primary and force an election of a new primary.
Upgrade the primary.¶
When rs.status() shows that the primary has stepped down and another member has assumed PRIMARY state, upgrade the stepped-down primary:
- Shut down the stepped-down primary and replace the mongod binary with the 3.4 binary.
- Restart.
Enable backwards-incompatible 3.4 features.¶
At this point, you can run the 3.4 binaries without the 3.4 features that are incompatible with 3.2.
To enable these 3.4 features, set the feature compatibility version to 3.4.
Enabling these backwards-incompatible features can complicate the downgrade process. For details, see 删除 3.4 不兼容的功能.
It is recommended that after upgrading, you allow your deployment to run without enabling these features for a burn-in period to ensure the likelihood of downgrade is minimal. When you are confident that the likelihood of downgrade is minimal, enable these features.
On the primary, run the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion command in the admin database:
db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.4" } )
This command must perform writes to an internal system collection. If for any reason the command does not complete successfully, you can safely retry the command on the primary as the operation is idempotent.
如果需要升级单机,请查阅 升级单机到 3.4 。
如果需要升级分片集群,请查阅 升级分片集群到 3.4 。