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Returns a formatted report of the status of a replica set from the perspective of the secondary member of the set. The output is identical to that of db.printSlaveReplicationInfo().


The following is example output from the rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() method issued on a replica set with two secondary members:

source: m1.example.net:27017
    syncedTo: Thu Apr 10 2014 10:27:47 GMT-0400 (EDT)
    0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary
source: m2.example.net:27017
    syncedTo: Thu Apr 10 2014 10:27:47 GMT-0400 (EDT)
    0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary

A delayed member may show as 0 seconds behind the primary when the inactivity period on the primary is greater than the members[n].slaveDelay value.