



Returns the hash values of the collections in a database and an MD5 value for the list of collections. dbHash is useful to compare databases across mongod instances, such as mirrored config servers for sharded clusters or members of replica sets.

dbHash has the following syntax:

db.runCommand ( { dbHash: 1, collections: [ <collection1>, ... ] } )
Field Type Description
dbHash Any type The command to run. Specify any value.
collections array

Optional. An array of collection names.

Either specify the collections for which to return the hash values, or omit or specify an empty array to return the hash values for all collections in the database.


If a collection in the collections array is non-existent, dbHash does not return a hash value for that collection.


Return Hash Values for All Collections in a Database

The following example returns the hash value for all collections in the database test:

use test
db.runCommand( { dbHash: 1 } )

The operation returns the following document:

   "numCollections" : 7,
   "host" : "myHostName.local",
   "collections" : {
      "bar" : "0a8089b7134801ab74d5f1310c27f161",
      "foo" : "f49ff19aa6959d96b43961a595ae550e",
      "foo2" : "a4f0e61c26af65d7efa0d0ad173db801",
      "inventory" : "4f6d23309dcc059232d0e4383fcedfa1",
      "orders" : "083def5adf48686a732ee07b8ffaf228",
      "restaurants" : "407a4f24cfafa40641e20098929c5632",
      "zipcodes" : "679530b9b79d529d79bd143435135f25"
   "md5" : "2e3b201903d60cdc1eedfd58f4c014d4",
   "timeMillis" : 71,
   "fromCache" : [ ],
   "ok" : 1

Return Hash Values for Specified Collections in a Database

The following example returns the hash value for the collections foo and bar in the database test:

use test
db.runCommand( { dbHash: 1, collections: [ "foo", "bar" ] } )

The operation returns the following document:

   "numCollections" : 7,
   "host" : "myHostName.local",
   "collections" : {
      "bar" : "0a8089b7134801ab74d5f1310c27f161",
      "foo" : "f49ff19aa6959d96b43961a595ae550e"
   "md5" : "94f296621d5ed4ed35088257ce0c9d99",
   "timeMillis" : 0,
   "fromCache" : [ ],
   "ok" : 1


The numCollections is the total number of collections in the database where as the md5 calculation incorporates the hash values of the specified list of collections.

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