
Deploy Sharded Cluster with Keyfile Access Control


Enforcing access control on a sharded cluster requires configuring:

For this tutorial, each member of the sharded cluster must use the same internal authentication mechanism and settings. This means enforcing internal authentication on each mongos and mongod in the cluster.

The following tutorial uses a keyfile to enable internal authentication.

Enforcing internal authentication also enforces user access control. To connect to the replica set, clients like the mongo shell need to use a user account. See Access Control.

CloudManager and OpsManager

If you are currently using or are planning to use Cloud Manager or Ops Manager, consider using their built-in features for deploying a sharded cluster with access control enforced.

See Deploy a Sharded Cluster in the Cloud Manager manual or in the Ops Manager manual.

See Access Control for MongoDB Deployments in the Cloud Manager manual or in the Ops manager manual.


Keyfile Security

Keyfiles are bare-minimum forms of security and are best suited for testing or development environments. For production environments we recommend using x.509 certificates.

Access Control

This tutorial covers creating the minimum number of administrative users on the admin database only. For the user authentication, the tutorial uses the default SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication mechanism. Challenge-response security mechanisms are are best suited for testing or development environments. For production environments, we recommend using x.509 certificates or LDAP Proxy Authentication (available for MongoDB Enterprise only) or Kerberos Authentication (available for MongoDB Enterprise only).

For details on creating users for specific authentication mechanism, refer to the specific authentication mechanism pages.

See Configure Role-Based Access Control for best practices for user creation and management.


In general, to create users for a sharded clusters, connect to the mongos and add the sharded cluster users.

However, some maintenance operations require direct connections to specific shards in a sharded cluster. To perform these operations, you must connect directly to the shard and authenticate as a shard-local administrative user.

Shard-local users exist only in the specific shard and should only be used for shard-specific maintenance and configuration. You cannot connect to the mongos with shard-local users.

This tutorial requires creating sharded cluster users, but includes optional steps for adding shard-local users.

See the Users security documentation for more information.

Operating System

This tutorial uses the mongod and mongos programs. Windows users should use the mongod.exe and mongos.exe programs instead.

Deploy Sharded Cluster with Keyfile Access Control

The following procedures involve creating a new sharded cluster that consists of a mongos, the config servers, and two shards.

Create the Keyfile

The contents of the keyfile serves as the shared password for the members of the sharded cluster. The content of the keyfile must be the same for all members of the sharded cluster.

You can generate a keyfile using any method you choose. The contents of the keyfile must be between 6 and 1024 characters long.


On UNIX systems, the keyfile must not have group or world permissions. On Windows systems, keyfile permissions are not checked.

The following operation uses openssl to generate a complex pseudo-random 1024 character string to use for a keyfile. It then uses chmod to change file permissions to provide read permissions for the file owner only:

openssl rand -base64 756 > <path-to-keyfile>
chmod 400 <path-to-keyfile>

See Keyfiles for additional details and requirements for using keyfiles.

Distribute the Keyfile

Copy the keyfile to each server hosting the sharded cluster members. Use a consistent location for each server.


Do not use shared network locations or storage mediums such as USB drives for storing the keyfile.

Ensure that the user running the mongod or mongos instances can access the keyfile.

Create the Config Server Replica Set

The following steps deploys a config server replica set.

For a production deployment, deploys a config server replica set with at least three members. For testing purposes, you can create a single-member replica set.


Start each mongod in the config server replica set. Include the keyFile setting. The keyFile setting enforces both Internal Authentication and Role-Based Access Control.

You can specify the mongod settings either via a configuration file or the command line.

Configuration File

If using a configuration file, set security.keyFile to the keyfile’s path, sharding.clusterRole to configsvr, and replication.replSetName to the desired name of the config server replica set.

  keyFile: <path-to-keyfile>
  clusterRole: configsvr
  replSetName: <setname>

Include additional settings as appropriate to your deployment. For more information on the configuration file, see configuration options.

Start the mongod specifying the --config option and the path to the configuration file.

mongod --config <path-to-config-file>

Command Line

If using the command line parameters, start the mongod with the --keyFile, --configsvr, and --replSet parameters.

mongod --keyFile <path-to-keyfile> --configsvr --replSet <setname> --dbpath <path>

Include additional settings as appropriate to your deployment. For more information on startup parameters, see the mongod reference page.


Connect to a member of the replica set over the localhost interface.

Connect a mongo shell to one of the config server mongod instances over the localhost interface. You must run the mongo shell on the same physical machine as the mongod instance.

The localhost interface is only available since no users have been created for the deployment. The localhost interface closes after the creation of the first user.


The rs.initiate() method initiates the replica set and can take an optional replica set configuration document. In the replica set configuration document, include:

  • The _id. The _id must match the --replSet parameter passed to the mongod.
  • The members field. The members field is an array and requires a document per each member of the replica set.
  • The configsvr field. The configsvr field must be set to true for the config server replica set.

See Replica Set Configuration for more information on replica set configuration documents.

Initiate the replica set using the rs.initiate() method and a configuration document:

    _id: "<replSetName>",
    configsvr: true,
    members: [
      { _id : 0, host : "cfg1.example.net:27017" },
      { _id : 1, host : "cfg2.example.net:27017" },
      { _id : 2, host : "cfg3.example.net:27017" }

Once the config server replica set (CSRS) is initiated and up, proceed to creating the shard replica sets.

Create the Shard Replica Sets

For a production deployment, use a replica set with at least three members. For testing purposes, you can create a single-member replica set.

These steps include optional procedures for adding shard-local users. Executing them now ensures that there are users available for each shard to perform shard-level maintenance.


Enforce access control on each member of the replica set.

Running a mongod with the keyFile parameter enforces both Internal Authentication and Role-Based Access Control.

Start each mongod in the replica set using either a configuration file or the command line.

Configuration File

If using a configuration file, set the security.keyFile option to the keyfile’s path, the replication.replSetName to the desired name of the replica set, and the sharding.clusterRole option to shardsvr.

  keyFile: <path-to-keyfile>
  clusterRole: shardsvr
  replSetName: <replSetName>
   dbPath: <path>

Include any other options as appropriate for your deployment. See 配置文件选项 for settings available.

Start the mongod specifying the --config option and the path to the configuration file.

mongod --config <path-to-config-file>

Command Line

If using the command line option, when starting the component, specify the --keyFile, replSet, and --shardsvr parameters, as in the following example:

mongod --keyFile <path-to-keyfile> --shardsvr --replSet <replSetname>  --dbpath <path>

Include any other options as appropriate for your deployment.

For more information on startup parameters, see the mongod reference page.

Include additional settings as appropriate to your deployment.


Connect to a member of the replica set over the localhost interface.

Connect a mongo shell to one of the config server mongod instances over the localhost interface. You must run the mongo shell on the same physical machine as the mongod instance.

The localhost interface is only available since no users have been created for the deployment. The localhost interface closes after the creation of the first user.


Initiate the replica set.

The rs.initiate() method initiates the replica set and can take an optional replica set configuration document.

In the replica set configuration document, include:

  • The _id field. The _id must match the --replSet parameter passed to the mongod.
  • The members field. The members field is an array and requires a document per each member of the replica set.

See Replica Set Configuration for more information on replica set configuration documents.

The following example initates a three member replica set.

    _id : <replicaSetName>,
    members: [
      { _id : 0, host : "s1-mongo1.example.net:27017" },
      { _id : 1, host : "s1-mongo2.example.net:27017" },
      { _id : 2, host : "s1-mongo3.example.net:27017" }

rs.initiate() triggers an election and elects one of the members to be the primary.

Connect to the primary before continuing. Use rs.status() to locate the primary member.


Create the shard-local user administrator (optional).


After you create the first user, the localhost exception is no longer available.

The first user must have privileges to create other users, such as a user with the userAdminAnyDatabase. This ensures that you can create additional users after the Localhost Exception closes.

If at least one user does not have privileges to create users, once the localhost exception closes you may be unable to create or modify users with new privileges, and therefore unable to access necessary operations.

Add a user using the db.createUser() method. The user should have at minimum the userAdminAnyDatabase role on the admin database.

You must be connected to the primary to create users.

The following example creates the user fred with the userAdminAnyDatabase role on the admin database.


Passwords should be random, long, and complex to ensure system security and to prevent or delay malicious access.

admin = db.getSiblingDB("admin")
    user: "fred",
    pwd: "changeme1",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]

See Database User Roles for a full list of built-in roles and related to database administration operations.


Authenticate as the shard-local user administrator (optional).

Authenticate to the admin database.

In the mongo shell, use db.auth() to authenticate. For example, the following authenticate as the user administrator fred:

db.getSiblingDB("admin").auth("fred", "changeme1" )

Alternatively, connect a new mongo shell to the primary replica set member using the -u <username>, -p <password>, and the --authenticationDatabase parameters.

mongo -u "fred" -p "changeme1" --authenticationDatabase "admin"

Create the shard-local cluster administrator (optional).

The shard-local cluster administrator user has the clusterAdmin role, which provides privileges that allow access to replication operations.

For a full list of roles related to replica set operations see Cluster Administration Roles.

Create a cluster administrator user and assign the clusterAdmin role in the admin database:

    "user" : "ravi",
    "pwd" : "changeme2",
    roles: [ { "role" : "clusterAdmin", "db" : "admin" } ]

See Cluster Administration Roles for a full list of built-in roles related to replica set and sharded cluster operations.

Connect a mongos to the Sharded Cluster


Connect a mongos to the cluster

Start a mongos specifying the keyfile using either a configuration file or a command line parameter.

Configuration File

If using a configuration file, set the security.keyFile to the keyfile`s path and the sharding.configDB to the replica set name and at least one member of the replica set in <replSetName>/<host:port> format.

  keyFile: <path-to-keyfile>
  configDB: <configReplSetName>/cfg1.example.net:27017,cfg2.example.net:27017,...

Start the mongos specifying the --config option and the path to the configuration file.

mongos --config <path-to-config>

For more information on the configuration file, see configuration options.

Command Line

If using command line parameters start the mongos and specify the --keyFile and --configdb parameters.

mongos --keyFile <path-to-keyfile> --configdb <configReplSetName>/cfg1.example.net:27017,cfg2.example.net:27017,...

Include any other options as appropriate for your deployment.


Connect to a mongos over the localhost interface.

Connect a mongo shell to one of the config server mongos instances over the localhost interface. You must run the mongo shell on the same physical machine as the mongod instance.

The localhost interface is only available since no users have been created for the deployment. The localhost interface closes after the creation of the first user.


Create the user administrator.


After you create the first user, the localhost exception is no longer available.

The first user must have privileges to create other users, such as a user with the userAdminAnyDatabase. This ensures that you can create additional users after the Localhost Exception closes.

If at least one user does not have privileges to create users, once the localhost exception closes you cannot create or modify users, and therefore may be unable to perform necessary operations.

Add a user using the db.createUser() method. The user should have at minimum the userAdminAnyDatabase role on the admin database.


Passwords should be random, long, and complex to ensure system security and to prevent or delay malicious access.

The following example creates the user fred on the admin database:

admin = db.getSiblingDB("admin")
    user: "fred",
    pwd: "changeme1",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]

See Database User Roles for a full list of built-in roles and related to database administration operations.


Authenticate as the user administrator.

Use db.auth() to authenticate as the user administrator to create additional users:

db.getSiblingDB("admin").auth("fred", "changeme1" )

Alternatively, connect a new mongo shell to the target replica set member using the -u <username>, -p <password>, and the --authenticationDatabase admin parameters. You must use the Localhost Exception to connect to the mongos.

mongo -u "fred" -p "changeme1" --authenticationDatabase "admin"

Create Administrative User for Cluster Management

The cluster administrator user has the clusterAdmin role, which grants access to replication and sharding operations.

Create a clusterAdmin user in the admin database.

The following example creates the user ravi on the admin database.


Passwords should be random, long, and complex to ensure system security and to prevent or delay malicious access.

    "user" : "ravi",
    "pwd" : "changeme2",
    roles: [ { "role" : "clusterAdmin", "db" : "admin" } ]

See Cluster Administration Roles for a full list of built-in roles related to replica set and sharded cluster operations.


Create additional users (Optional).

Create users to allow clients to connect and access the sharded cluster. See Database User Roles for available built-in roles, such as read and readWrite. You may also want additional administrative users. For more information on users, see Users.

To create additional users, you must authenticate as a user with userAdminAnyDatabase or userAdmin roles.

Add Shards to the Cluster

To proceed, you must be connected to the mongos and authenticated as the cluster administrator user for the sharded cluster.


This is the cluster administrator for the sharded cluster and not the shard-local cluster administrator.

To add each shard to the cluster, use the sh.addShard() method. If the shard is a replica set, specify the name of the replica set and specify a member of the set. In production deployments, all shards should be replica sets.

The following operation adds a single shard replica set to the cluster:

sh.addShard( "<replSetName>/s1-mongo1.example.net:27017")

The following operation is an example of adding a standalone mongod shard to the cluster:

sh.addShard( "s1-mongo1.example.net:27017")

Repeat these steps until the cluster includes all shards. At this point, the sharded cluster enforces access control for the cluster as well as for internal communications between each sharded cluster component.

Enable Sharding for a Database

To proceed, you must be connected to the mongos and authenticated as the cluster administrator user for the sharded cluster.


This is the cluster administrator for the sharded cluster and not the shard-local cluster administrator.

Enabling sharding on a database makes it possible to shard collections within the database. Use the sh.enableSharding() method to enable sharding on the target database.


Shard a Collection

To proceed, you must be connected to the mongos and authenticated as the cluster administrator user for the sharded cluster.


This is the cluster administrator for the sharded cluster and not the shard-local cluster administrator.

To shard a collection, use the sh.shardCollection() method. You must specify the full namespace of the collection and a document containing the shard key.

Your selection of shard key affects the efficiency of sharding, as well as your ability to take advantage of certain sharding features such as zones. See the selection considerations listed in the 通常,一个经过计算的片键会有一定的”随机性”,比如一个包含了其他字段加密哈希(例如 MD5或者SHA1)的片键,会使集群具有较好的写扩展性能.不过,随机的片键通常不会提供 查询隔离 的特性,而查询隔离同样是片键一个很重要的特性..

If the collection already contains data, you must create an index on the shard key using the db.collection.createIndex() method before using shardCollection().

If the collection is empty, MongoDB creates the index as part of sh.shardCollection().

The following is an example of the sh.shardCollection() method:

sh.shardCollection("<database>.<collection>", { <key> : <direction> } )

Next Steps

Create users to allow clients to connect to and interact with the sharded cluster.

See Database User Roles for basic built-in roles to use in creating read-only and read-write users.

x.509 Internal Authentication

For details on using x.509 for internal authentication, see Use x.509 Certificate for Membership Authentication.

To upgrade from keyfile internal authentication to x.509 internal authentication, see Upgrade from Keyfile Authentication to x.509 Authentication.