>>>>>>> cn

Testing Commands


For details on specific commands, including syntax and examples, click on the specific command to go to its reference page.

Name Description
testDistLockWithSkew Internal command. Do not call this directly.
testDistLockWithSyncCluster Internal command. Do not call this directly.
captrunc Internal command. Truncates capped collections.
emptycapped Internal command. Removes all documents from a capped collection.
godinsert Internal command for testing.
_hashBSONElement Internal command. Computes the MD5 hash of a BSON element.
journalLatencyTest Tests the time required to write and perform a file system sync for a file in the journal directory.
sleep Internal command for testing. Forces MongoDB to block all operations.
replSetTest Internal command for testing replica set functionality.
forceerror Internal command for testing. Forces a user assertion exception.
skewClockCommand Internal command. Do not call this command directly.
configureFailPoint Internal command for testing. Configures failure points.