MongoDB 手册内容¶
参考 关于MongoDB文档 了解关于 MongoDB 文档项目,本手册及本附加文本的更多信息。”s text.
- Introduction
- Installation
- mongo shell
- MongoDB CRUD 操作
- 聚合
- 文本索引
- 数据模型
- Administration
- 索引
- 存储
- 安全
- Security Checklist
- 认证
- Users
- Authentication Mechanisms
- Enterprise Authentication Mechanisms
- Internal Authentication
- Enforce Keyfile Access Control in a Replica Set
- Enforce Keyfile Access Control in a Replica Set without Downtime
- 使用Keyfile存取控制部署复制集
- Enforce Keyfile Access Control in Sharded Cluster
- Deploy Sharded Cluster with Keyfile Access Control
- Use x.509 Certificate for Membership Authentication
- Upgrade from Keyfile Authentication to x.509 Authentication
- Enforce Keyfile Access Control in a Replica Set
- Enable Auth
- Role-Based Access Control
- Encryption
- Auditing
- Security Hardening
- Implement Field Level Redaction
- 安全参考文献
- Create a Vulnerability Report
- Security Checklist
- 复制
- 分片
- 常见问题
- Reference
- Operators
- Query and Projection Operators
- Update Operators
- Aggregation Pipeline Operators
- Pipeline Aggregation Stages
- $collStats (aggregation)
- $project (aggregation)
- $match (aggregation)
- $redact (aggregation)
- $limit (aggregation)
- $skip (aggregation)
- $unwind (aggregation)
- $group (aggregation)
- $sample (aggregation)
- $sort (aggregation)
- $geoNear (aggregation)
- $lookup (aggregation)
- $out (aggregation)
- $indexStats (aggregation)
- $facet (aggregation)
- $bucket (aggregation)
- $bucketAuto (aggregation)
- $sortByCount (aggregation)
- $addFields (aggregation)
- $replaceRoot (aggregation)
- $count (aggregation)
- $graphLookup (aggregation)
- $collStats (aggregation)
- Boolean Aggregation Operators
- Set Operators (Aggregation)
- Comparison Aggregation Operators
- Arithmetic Aggregation Operators
- $abs (aggregation)
- $add (aggregation)
- $ceil (aggregation)
- $divide (aggregation)
- $exp (aggregation)
- $floor (aggregation)
- $ln (aggregation)
- $log (aggregation)
- $log10 (aggregation)
- $mod (aggregation)
- $multiply (aggregation)
- $pow (aggregation)
- $sqrt (aggregation)
- $subtract (aggregation)
- $trunc (aggregation)
- $abs (aggregation)
- String Aggregation Operators
- $concat (aggregation)
- $indexOfBytes (aggregation)
- $indexOfCP (aggregation)
- $split (aggregation)
- $strcasecmp (aggregation)
- $strLenBytes (aggregation)
- $strLenCP (aggregation)
- $strcasecmp (aggregation)
- $substr (aggregation)
- $substrBytes (aggregation)
- $substrCP (aggregation)
- $toLower (aggregation)
- $toUpper (aggregation)
- $concat (aggregation)
- Text Search Aggregation Operators
- Array Aggregation Operators
- Aggregation Variable Operators
- Aggregation Literal Operators
- Date Aggregation Operators
- $dayOfYear (aggregation)
- $dayOfMonth (aggregation)
- $dayOfWeek (aggregation)
- $year (aggregation)
- $month (aggregation)
- $week (aggregation)
- $hour (aggregation)
- $minute (aggregation)
- $second (aggregation)
- $millisecond (aggregation)
- $dateToString (aggregation)
- $isoDayOfWeek (aggregation)
- $isoWeek (aggregation)
- $isoWeekYear (aggregation)
- $dayOfYear (aggregation)
- Conditional Aggregation Operators
- Data Type Aggregation Operators
- Group Accumulator Operators
- Pipeline Aggregation Stages
- Query Modifiers
- Database Commands
- Aggregation Commands
- Geospatial Commands
- Query and Write Operation Commands
- Query Plan Cache Commands
- Authentication Commands
- User Management Commands
- Role Management Commands
- Replication Commands
- 分片命令
- flushRouterConfig
- addShard
- balancerStart
- balancerStatus
- balancerStop
- cleanupOrphaned
- checkShardingIndex
- enableSharding
- listShards
- removeShard
- getShardMap
- getShardVersion
- mergeChunks
- setShardVersion
- 分片集合
- 分片状态
- unsetSharding
- split
- splitChunk
- splitVector
- medianKey
- moveChunk
- movePrimary
- isdbgrid
- addShardToZone
- removeShardFromZone
- updateZoneKeyRange
- Administration Commands
- renameCollection
- copydb
- dropDatabase
- listCollections
- drop
- create
- clone
- cloneCollection
- cloneCollectionAsCapped
- convertToCapped
- filemd5
- createIndexes
- listIndexes
- dropIndexes
- fsync
- clean
- connPoolSync
- connectionStatus
- compact
- collMod
- reIndex
- setParameter
- getParameter
- repairDatabase
- repairCursor
- touch
- shutdown
- logRotate
- killOp
- setFeatureCompatibilityVersion
- renameCollection
- Diagnostic Commands
- Internal Commands
- System Events Auditing Commands
- mongo Shell Methods
- Collection Methods
- db.collection.aggregate()
- db.collection.bulkWrite()
- db.collection.count()
- db.collection.copyTo()
- db.collection.createIndex()
- db.collection.dataSize()
- db.collection.deleteOne()
- db.collection.deleteMany()
- db.collection.distinct()
- db.collection.drop()
- db.collection.dropIndex()
- db.collection.dropIndexes()
- db.collection.ensureIndex()
- db.collection.explain()
- db.collection.find()
- db.collection.findAndModify()
- db.collection.findOne()
- db.collection.findOneAndDelete()
- db.collection.findOneAndReplace()
- db.collection.findOneAndUpdate()
- db.collection.getIndexes()
- db.collection.getShardDistribution()
- db.collection.getShardVersion()
- db.collection.group()
- db.collection.insert()
- db.collection.insertOne()
- db.collection.insertMany()
- db.collection.isCapped()
- db.collection.latencyStats()
- db.collection.mapReduce()
- db.collection.reIndex()
- db.collection.replaceOne()
- db.collection.remove()
- db.collection.renameCollection()
- db.collection.save()
- db.collection.stats()
- db.collection.storageSize()
- db.collection.totalSize()
- db.collection.totalIndexSize()
- db.collection.update()
- db.collection.updateOne()
- db.collection.updateMany()
- db.collection.validate()
- db.collection.aggregate()
- Cursor Methods
- cursor.addOption()
- cursor.batchSize()
- cursor.close()
- cursor.collation()
- cursor.comment()
- cursor.count()
- cursor.explain()
- cursor.forEach()
- cursor.hasNext()
- cursor.hint()
- cursor.itcount()
- cursor.limit()
- cursor.map()
- cursor.maxScan()
- cursor.maxTimeMS()
- cursor.max()
- cursor.min()
- cursor.next()
- cursor.noCursorTimeout()
- cursor.objsLeftInBatch()
- cursor.pretty()
- cursor.readConcern()
- cursor.readPref()
- cursor.returnKey()
- cursor.showRecordId()
- cursor.size()
- cursor.skip()
- cursor.snapshot()
- cursor.sort()
- cursor.tailable()
- cursor.toArray()
- cursor.addOption()
- 数据库相关方法
- db.cloneCollection()
- db.cloneDatabase()
- db.commandHelp()
- db.copyDatabase()
- db.createCollection()
- db.createView()
- db.currentOp()
- db.dropDatabase()
- db.eval()
- db.fsyncLock()
- db.fsyncUnlock()
- db.getCollection()
- db.getCollectionInfos()
- db.getCollectionNames()
- db.getLastError()
- db.getLastErrorObj()
- db.getLogComponents()
- db.getMongo()
- db.getName()
- db.getPrevError()
- db.getProfilingLevel()
- db.getProfilingStatus()
- db.getReplicationInfo()
- db.getSiblingDB()
- db.help()
- db.hostInfo()
- db.isMaster()
- db.killOp()
- db.listCommands()
- db.loadServerScripts()
- db.logout()
- db.printCollectionStats()
- db.printReplicationInfo()
- db.printShardingStatus()
- db.printSlaveReplicationInfo()
- db.repairDatabase()
- db.resetError()
- db.runCommand()
- db.serverBuildInfo()
- db.serverCmdLineOpts()
- db.serverStatus()
- db.setLogLevel()
- db.setProfilingLevel()
- db.shutdownServer()
- db.stats()
- db.version()
- db.upgradeCheck()
- db.upgradeCheckAllDBs()
- db.cloneCollection()
- Query Plan Cache Methods
- Bulk Operation Methods
- Bulk()
- db.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp()
- db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp()
- Bulk.insert()
- Bulk.find()
- Bulk.find.collation()
- Bulk.find.removeOne()
- Bulk.find.remove()
- Bulk.find.replaceOne()
- Bulk.find.updateOne()
- Bulk.find.update()
- Bulk.find.upsert()
- Bulk.execute()
- Bulk.getOperations()
- Bulk.tojson()
- Bulk.toString()
- Bulk()
- User Management Methods
- Role Management Methods
- Replication Methods
- 分片方法
- sh._adminCommand()
- sh.getBalancerLockDetails()
- sh._checkFullName()
- sh._checkMongos()
- sh._lastMigration()
- sh.addShard()
- sh.addShardTag()
- sh.addShardToZone()
- sh.addTagRange()
- sh.updateZoneKeyRange()
- sh.removeTagRange()
- sh.removeRangeFromZone()
- sh.disableBalancing()
- sh.enableBalancing()
- sh.enableSharding()
- sh.getBalancerHost()
- sh.getBalancerState()
- sh.help()
- sh.isBalancerRunning()
- sh.moveChunk()
- sh.removeShardTag()
- sh.removeShardFromZone()
- sh.setBalancerState()
- sh.shardCollection()
- sh.splitAt()
- sh.splitFind()
- sh.startBalancer()
- sh.status()
- sh.stopBalancer()
- sh.waitForBalancer()
- sh.waitForBalancerOff()
- sh.waitForDLock()
- sh.waitForPingChange()
- sh._adminCommand()
- Subprocess Methods
- Object Constructors and Methods
- Connection Methods
- Native Methods
- Collection Methods
- MongoDB Package Components
- 配置文件选项
- MongoDB Server Parameters
- MongoDB Limits and Thresholds
- Explain Results
- 系统集合
- Connection String URI Format
- Collation
- MongoDB Wire Protocol
- Log Messages
- Exit Codes and Statuses
- Glossary
- MongoDB 默认端口
- Operators
- 发布笔记